Saturday, July 27, 2013

On the road to Inuvik once more

We start this morning here in Fairbanks.  We will hit the Farmers market again then it's off to attempt Inuvik once more.  This means another trip over the Top of the World highway!  Then Dawson City, then up the Dempster highway.  Hopefully it will be open this time.  It also means we probably won't have interent service for a week or so.

I managed to get the video of the Hyder, Alaska 4th of July parade posted on my first night here.  (The ISP was not amused, I got kicked off the internet for 24 hours for abusing the band width limits.)  If you have 6 minutes to spare it is quite the event.  You can find it here.

Here's the latest updates for our travel maps.  First, from the Visitors Center in Denali back to our Campground in Teklanika.

Day Miles: Almost 30
Trip Miles: 8,123

Next, here's the map from Teklanika up to Fairbanks.

Day Miles: 150
Trip Miles: 8,273

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