Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Last post for today

Had enough? Is anybody even reading this? Please post a comment if you are - anything!

Monday we drove south from the L'isle. Our first stop was the market in Cavillion. From there we went to the village of Fautenot. There is a famous French writer from there named Alfonso Daudet. We visited the Daudet windmill and walked around the village a bit. We spent the rest of the day cruising around looking for fabric stores.

Yesterday we returned the car and took the TGV back to Lorient. We changed trains in Paris which meant a Metro trip from Gare de Lyon to Gare de Montparness. Everything went smoothly!

I'm flying solo in Lorient today. I'm thinking about making a solo journey up to Normandy sometime in the next week ( I come back to the US in 12 days, the trip is going fast). I figured I should test my skill at communicating in France with virtually no French skills before I set off by myself.

Hope everythings good back in the states.


Brad Thornton said...


I have been checking your site every few days.......sounds like you are having a wonderful holiday abroad!

Two years ago I was "across the pond" touring London, Cambridge, Wales and Southern Ireland with my parents and two of my kids. We were in London on 7/7 just checking out of our hotel when word of the bombs hit the was a good thing that we are so slow moving in the morning because we were headed to one of underground stations that was hit......our Irish "good luck" was with us.

Enjoy every moment you have over there.


Dara said...

Hi Doug,

We got your postcard yesterday. Looks like we have a reading to catch up on. I'll post again after we have caught up. It won't be till next week. We are going camping this weekend with Sean and Angie Carter.

Dara & Steve